суббота, 29 июня 2013 г.

travelers insurance agent

Tips for Purchasing Travel Insurance - Travelsense

travelers insurance agent

Tips for Purchasing Travel Insurance

Travel insurance can protect you from substantial losses that result from a variety of situations, including canceled trips, lost baggage, medical emergencies, supplier defaults, as well as other unforeseen circumstances.


There are several general types of consumer travel insurance available. The coverage and limitations of each will vary depending on the insurance company issuing the policy. The following is a brief description of some of the general types of travel insurance.

Trip Cancellation: The most important and common type of travel insurance. Generally covers non-refundable payments or deposits if a trip is canceled or interrupted due to unforeseen circumstances.

Trip Delay: Provides reimbursement for expenses incurred when a trip is de... http://go-travel.ucoz.com/news/travelers_insurance_agent/2013-06-30-4364

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